Welcome to Skills Training Across Canada

Food Processing Skills Canada developed the Skills Training Across Canada (STAC) program for Canadian food and beverage industry employers to support employees within their workforce in frontline worker roles. STAC provides employers with the opportunity to identify high performers and work with those employees in developing their skills and confidence. There is no cost to participate in the program — just a commitment to complete the training and coaching requirements, and provide feedback to ensure continuous improvement of the program.

If you have employees in the following positions or are an employee, this program might be the perfect fit for you.
  • Frontline Workers
  • Labourers
  • Shippers and Receivers
  • Sanitation Teams
  • Packaging
  • New Hires
  • Production Workers
NOTE: This program is for employees who work below the supervisor level. Employees who participated in STAC for Supervisors cannot participate in this program.


STAC training includes a curriculum with 22 online courses and Acahkos social-emotional training with two coaching webinars. If participants complete 2 courses a week, they will complete the program in 11 weeks. This is a recommendation and not a requirement. For each course completed, a certificate and digital credential is provided.

The program staff are available to support learners throughout the training. Access to a Dashboard for employers and employees also assists with monitoring of progress and successful completion.

Program Roadmap

To initiate participation in the program, employers must identify employees and then enter into an agreement with Food Processing Skills Canada. The following program roadmap then commences.

How Employees Graduate from STAC

For employees to receive a graduation package, all training requirements must be met, and evaluations conducted.

Employees must meet a minimum grade of 70% for required courses.

It is also a requirement of the program that employees participate in two Acahkos coaching sessions and complete all surveys and evaluations.

Learn More About Acahkos

To ease the administration of the program, STAC provides employers and employees access to a dashboard to assess status of program completion and monitor performance.

As a final requirement of the program, employers are expected to complete program surveys with our evaluation team.

Kim Wilson, Human Resources Manager
Captain Dan’s
STAC Atlantic Pilot Participant

I thought for a while that I wouldn’t be able to complete it due to time constraints but I am very glad I did. I appreciate the degree of flexibility you allowed us to take. This was a valuable program full of extremely useful information. Especially to new managers like myself.

A very big “Thank you” to you and your team for putting it together and allowing us to take part in it. I look forward to receiving the graduation package.

Kaleb Cormier, Manager
Captain Dan’s