Formation professionnelle pancanadienne est offert par Compétences Transformation Alimentaire Canada

Un Canadien sur huit est employé dans l’industrie canadienne de la transformation des aliments et des boissons. Lorsque vous pensez aux entreprises de ce secteur situées dans tout le pays, pensez aux personnes dévouées et qualifiées qui veillent à ce que les aliments soient de la plus grande salubrité et de la plus grande qualité possibles. Il est facile de comprendre pourquoi le secteur canadien des aliments et des boissons est un chef de file dans le monde entier.

À Compétences Transformation Alimentaire Canada, notre travail consiste à soutenir les gens en leur proposant le meilleur développement des compétences et la meilleure formation qui soient. Nous concentrons sur les entreprises en fournissant des analyses du marché du travail, un soutien financier, de l’apprentissage en ligne et des certifications. Et grâce à notre cadre d’apprentissage et de reconnaissance – le premier du genre au Canada – le curriculum, les cours et l’accréditation s’harmonisent.

Skills Training Across Canada Team

Destination main-d’œuvre​

Formation professionnelle pancanadienne représente un volet d’un programme beaucoup plus grand, à savoir Destination main-d’œuvre qui est financé par le gouvernement du Canada sous le Programme de solutions pour la main d’œuvre sectorielle.

Thank you to our pilot partners who helped us test, tweak, and refine into what you see today.

Pilot interim results

Social Emotional Learning


Learned things about themselves


Self-confidence at work improved


Learned things that will help outside of work


Learned things to help them be a better co-worker

The Learning and Recognition Framework & the future of training

This project « Achieving Our Workforce Destination: Qualified People, Successful Careers & Competitive Business » is funded by the Government of Canada – ESDC

The main elements that will be maintained include:

  • a focus on social-emotional learning including leadership development, adaptability, interpersonal relationships, empathy, positive attitudes, and coaching for success (Achakos Program) which uses goal-driven learning theory that provides learners with theory plus goal setting delivered through both coursework and interactive webinar series;
  • a tailored menu of on-line courses designed to develop essential and foundational skills according to the Learning and Recognition Framework;
  • dedicated recruiting resources by region and employer support staff to work one on- one with employers to set up the program structure, scheduling, expectations and evaluation participation requirements; provide technological devices (Chromebooks) where required so participants have access to devices in training rooms or to use at home as needed;
  • program resources such as workbooks, tech support, orientation session, employer dashboards for tracking progress, graduation packages, and recognition of employers and participants;
  • extensive data collection to assist with program evaluation and monitoring including the participation from equity-deserving groups. Program elements that will be developed and added include:
  • Challenge labs – participants undertake these after the theory content has been covered. Participants will use the challenge labs to demonstrate the knowledge they have learned and apply it within specific scenarios.
  • Additional opportunities for small group and 1-on-1 coaching activities as requested;
  • Funding for wrap-around supports to participants to ensure participation from equity-deserving groups;
  • Opportunities for participants from the supervisor group to challenge and acquire the Food Production Supervisor Certification/Designation;
  • Increase number of recruitment team members (five additional provinces) and add two additional HR onboarding resources;
  • Develop and implement an “Acahkos for Managers Program” that builds on the findings from the evaluation of the pilot where this was identified as in high demand.